Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I is for Impatient

The good news is, I just scheduled my ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby!

The bad news is, I have to wait another month... I'm so impatient! I'm ready to start planning a name and decorating and nesting, but I have to wait. Oh well, just praying that he/she is healthy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

C is for Change.

Let's face it, change is a part of life.

Now let's face the fact that I'm not that great at dealing with it. Even when the change is small and necessary, when I know that it is a good change, it is tough for me. Like right now, there are some changes I need to make at work. I've been doing things the same way for the past three years, and now it's time to update, and it's totally freaking me out.

As a teacher, I am a performer of sorts - every day I have sixty teenagers watching my every move, judging me, deciding whether what I've got to say is worth while or just a load of you-know-what. So when it comes to changing the way I teach, there's a lot of pressure to make it work and make it work fast.

I think what it comes down to is insecurity on my part. I like to feel like I'm in control of things, like I know what I'm doing and I'm great at it. But this new curriculum is not only new to the students - it's totally new to me! And so I don't feel like I've got it down. I don't feel like an expert anymore. I'm going to be learning along with the students, one step at a time, and that has me all stressed out.

But here's the silver lining: I am blessed with awesome students. Although they are watching, judging and deciding, for the most part I believe they are on my side. We are like a team, and I have a feeling that when things get tough, they will be there to help me through, just like I am there to help them through. And as much as I dread change, this is a comfort to me.

So, wish me luck!


